Can I get Stella at my institution?

We are designing the software so it can be installed anywhere, as long as local security measures are met.  Stay tuned for more information on getting Stella out to the wider radiology community!

Is is possible to download the DICOM images?

Not at the present time.  The Media Export feature allows saving of images, movies, and slide decks.

What if I want to change the Teaching File Template?

The template editor allows complete control over the template fields and terms as well as the “cardinality”, which relates to how many terms can be entered under a certain field.  For example, one may want to have medical student, junior resident, and senior resident listed under “trainee level”.  This would be cardinality of 3.

Are Stella cases available to be viewed outside of the institution?

Not at present, because the system has access to personal health information, and strict HIPAA compliance is followed.  We are working on methods to be able to share cases with a wider audience.

How much would it cost to get Stella?

This is primarily a scholarly and academic project, with the goal of wide dissemination to many institutions for teaching and learning.  At present, the primary cost to an institution would be to develop and support the IT resources need to host, install, and maintain Stella in your site.  Several different models for dissemination of the software are being explored – stay tuned. 

How can I learn more?

Use the Contact page to email the Development Team and we will get back to you with answers as soon as possible.