New Features and Updates Stella Beta 1.3 – April 2024
New Features
- Inverted PET Images: PET images are not loaded in an inverted format by default for enhanced visualization.
- Projects List Enhancement: The Projects list has been updated to display the number of Teaching Files associated with each project, instead of number of patients.
- Delete Study from Worklist: Users can now easily remove studies directly from the worklist for streamlined workflow management.
- Automatic Project Assignment: When importing external teaching files, the study is automatically added to the relevant project, simplifying organization.
- Visual Differentiation for Study Aims: Non-teaching file study aims, such as Quiz aims, are now displayed in a distinct color for easier identification and comprehension.
Improvements/Bug Fixes:
- Performance Enhancements: Significant improvements have been made to overall system performance, including the removal and optimization of series calls.
- Viewport Management: Series can now be opened in new viewports, maximizing screen real estate and efficiency.
- Multiframe Handling: Multiframes are now opened in separate viewports, improvement user experience.
- Multiframe Loading Fixes: Various bug fixes have been implemented to address issues related to multiframe loading, especially Issues with displaying studies with both regular series in addition to still and multiframe images in the same series
- Worklist Creation Bug Fix: A bug affecting worklist creation with requirements has been resolved.
- Viewport Display Fixes: Several issues related to viewport display have been fixed, ensuring a seamless viewing experience.
- Search List Refresh Fix: An issue causing search list refresh problems during “Save Teaching File and Close” has been resolved.
- Series Dropdown Enhancement: The number of annotations has been removed from the series dropdown for improved clarity.
- Media Export Metadata Fix: Metadata export functionality, including accession numbers and MRN, has been fixed for media exports.
- User Management Fixes: Various issues related to user editing and management have been resolved.
- ROI Annotation Fixes: Problems with editing significant image ROI annotations have been addressed.
- Progress Calculation Fix: Calculation issues with worklist progress, especially with multiple requirements, have been resolved.
- Date Filter Fix: An issue with the date filter in search functionality has been fixed.
- Project Template Removal: The default template of a project is now removed if that template is deleted from the project settings.
- Left Sidebar Improvements: Left side bar listing the projects and worklists is improved with a scroll functionality for enhanced user experience
New Features and Updates Stella Beta 1.2 – February 2024
Invert image functionality
New annotation list on the on the right side bar: Annotations grouped by series and listed with series number and instance number
Improved Features
Performance improvements to handle series call slowness (When the user is opening a teaching file from the Search view the series list popup is not displayed, instead the significant series of the study is opened automatically. If there is no significant series that was saved and if the study had more than 4 series, Stella opens the first 4 series)
Performance improvements on
Refreshing images
Selecting annotations/teaching files
Projects list retrieval
Teaching file list retrieval and image retrieval
Handle studies with no imaging series
Keep the annotation window open when user switches between series of the same study
Progress view is enhanced to use full name instead of SIDs on both user based and patient based lists
Improved support for series with still images and cine-loops
Anatomy field enhanced to accept multiple fields
Improvements on the popup: make significant series selection required, handle requiredness of the fields
Added spinners for better feedback
Added scroll to the series description dropdown
Display series number with series name in teaching file open/create popup and series dropdown
Updated used libraries like dcmjs to latest version
Increased the idle time check to 2 minutes
Disabled save button during saving
Discard button text modified for clarity
Bug Fixes
- Fixed DX loading issue
Fixed the issue causing reopening teaching file in edit mode after save
Fixed issues with aim jump
Fixed css issues affecting the left and right drawer orientation
Get the age at the time of the study and sort as a number
Fixed aim delete bug causing deleted aims stay in the search list
Fixed image loading order issue which occurred in some series
New Features – Stella Beta 1.1.1 – July 2023
- Updated the series description retrieval to query both Sectra PACS and VNA (Vendor Neutral Archive) and obtain the series descriptions from wherever available.
- Integrated VNA (Vendor Neutral Archive) support for querying the series from two different sources (main and archive) and using the available source to pull the images and information.
- Filtered out PR images from the series images calls as they are presentation states and not displayable images.
- Modified project creation to add Teaching and Significant Image templates to all newly created projects.
- Implemented AIM saving and display functionality for multi-frame images (US, NM, DBT, etc.).
- Enabled support for DICOMweb calls and loading images by frames.
- Introduced the Media Export feature.
- Added an invert mode for NM (Nuclear Medicine) modalities.
- Integrated archive support for querying the series from two different sources (main and archive) and using the available source.
- Implemented the ability to show/hide image overlays in the viewports.
- Extended the search with phrase search capabilities using regular expressions and whole-word matching.
- Displayed other image annotations in the study on the annotations tab to access annotations that are not in the displayed series but are in other series in that study.
- Extended the copy to private project functionality to also copy the significant series to the private project.
- Improved the series dropdown to filter undisplayable series.
- Added NM (Nuclear Medicine) to displayable modalities.
- Kept the teaching file open when the user changes the selected viewport.
- Added scroll functionality to the Diagnosis popup.
- Added scroll functionality to the Copy to Project popup.
- Modified the placeholder text in project editing to prevent typos and unnecessary typing.
- Cleared AIM selection after specific actions.
- Reduced the thickness of the ROI line by 50%.
- Implemented a frozen header row when scrolling in the Search interface.
- Altered the drawing direction of the arrowhead to match the direction on PACS.
- Added spinners to multiple screens to indicate image loading in progress.
- Improved the search functionality with enhanced AND and OR operators.
- Improved the create project interface to show template names instead of codes for better user understanding.
- Improved the worklist requirement interface to show template names instead of codes for better visibility.
- Added notification when the user updates the progress.
- Modified the worklist creation interface to avoid confusion and make the requirements clear.
- Defaulted the projects drawer to a collapsed state to increase the display area.
- Improved the projects view to show a button and display the full list of users in a popup window.
- Added scroll functionality to user roles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug causing a selected tool change on typing a letter belonging to the lesion name.
- Fixed the parent AIM deletion bug that occurred when a Teaching file got copied to a private project and deleted, resulting in the deletion of the Teaching file from the Teaching files public project.
- Fixed (at least temporarily) the orientation issue with the left side tabs (Projects, Worklist, Progress).
- Fixed the patient count accuracy as listed in Projects.
- Reimplemented the functionality of the “Select All” feature in the worklist.
- Updated the logic in the filters of the study list.
- Optimized the retrieval of search results upon the initial page launch.
- Enabled the creation of perpendicular measurement AIMs.
- Implemented pagination functionality in search results.
- Automatically refreshes the study list after uploading a new study.
- Implemented automatic refresh of the search page after saving an AIM.
- Fixed the keyboard shortcut tool selection.
- Fixed a bug that occurred during deleting multiple projects.
- Fixed a timeout issue that was causing an invalid redirect error after no activity for a while.
- Fixed the collection of distinct counts in statistics.
- Fixed the bug causing a jump to the Search view when a user clicks on a project in the Study List view.
- Fixed the refresh bug that caused the list to not be updated correctly after aim save and delete.
- Fixed the bug causing the user role interfaces to show login name instead of the full name.
- Fixed the bug that occurred when the user types in the image# box and presses enter, causing a refresh.
- Fixed the bug caused by deleting an empty project.
- Updated the `` script to fix a port manipulation issue.
- Fixed the unzipping issue (there is currently a 2GB limitation for zips).
- Removed the significant series setting from the Study List.
- Cleared selection button after upload.
- Fixed the modality case (changed to all caps).
- Fixed the bug that occurred when a new user was created in the lite mode (previously not giving the user access to lite projects, although the interface showed it).
- Metadata button is hidden/disabled for version 1.1.